3,249 research outputs found

    Fast and scalable inference of multi-sample cancer lineages.

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    Somatic variants can be used as lineage markers for the phylogenetic reconstruction of cancer evolution. Since somatic phylogenetics is complicated by sample heterogeneity, novel specialized tree-building methods are required for cancer phylogeny reconstruction. We present LICHeE (Lineage Inference for Cancer Heterogeneity and Evolution), a novel method that automates the phylogenetic inference of cancer progression from multiple somatic samples. LICHeE uses variant allele frequencies of somatic single nucleotide variants obtained by deep sequencing to reconstruct multi-sample cell lineage trees and infer the subclonal composition of the samples. LICHeE is open source and available at http://viq854.github.io/lichee

    Geographic Variation in Body Size and Weight of Willow Ptarmigan

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    Reports results of multiple range test comparisons of wing, tail and net body weight measurements of 2600 specimens collected in Alaska and adjacent Yukon Territory. Populations from different geographic areas showed statistically significant differences but uniformity within recognizable subspecies. Lagopus lagopus alascensis has the largest range in Alaska and occurs at least to Old Crow in the Yukon. L.l.albus occurs from central Yukon Territory eastward and south to northern British Columbia and west into Alaska in the upper Tanana valley and south of the Alaska Range to the Susitna River. L.l. alexandrae occupies the Alaska and Kenai Peninsulas and a narrow margin of the Gulf of Alaska coast south into British Columbia. L.l. murei is distributed on Kodiak Island, the Shumagins and the Aleutians from Unimak westward. The present distribution of these subspecies may be explained in part by their distribution at the time of the Wisconsin glaciation and their subsequent dispersal.Variations géographiques de la taille et du poids du Lagopède des saules. De multiples comparaisons de mesures des ailes, de la queue et du poids net de 2,600 spécimens de lagopède des saules (Lagopus lagopus) recueillis en Alaska et dans la partie adjacente du territoire du Yukon, ont démontré des différences statistiquement significatives entre les populations des différentes aires géographiques, mains ont aussi indiqué une surprenante uniformité parmi les populations désignées comme sous-espèces reconnaissables.Les précédentes distributions d'habitat, basées sur la couleur du plumage et la taille du bec, distinguaient L. l. alascensis de L. l. albus à la frontière Alaska-Yukon. Sur la base des nouvelles mesures, on croit que la population du L. l. alascensis plus gros s'étend vers l'Est dans le territoire du Yukon au moins jusqu'à Old Crow, tandis que le L. l. albus plus petit s'étend vers l'Ouest à travers l'Alaska, dans la haute vallée de la Tanana et au Sud de la chaîne alaskienne jusqu'à la Sustina. On suppose que la distribution présente des diverses sous-espèces du Logopède des saules en Alaska peut s'expliquer par leur distribution à l'époque de la glaciation wisconsienne et par leur dispersion subséquente

    The development of autism spectrum disorders: variability and causal complexity

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    The autism spectrum is highly variable, both behaviorally and neurodevelopmentally. Broadly speaking, four related factors contribute to this variability: (1) genetic processes, (2) environmental events, (3) gene × environment interactions, and (4) developmental factors. Given the complexity of the relevant processes, it appears unlikely that autism spectrum atypicalities can be attributed to any one causal mechanism. Rather, the development of neural atypicality reflects an interaction of genetic and environmental risk factors. As the individual grows, changes in neural atypicality, consequent variation in behavior, and environmental response to that behavior may become linked in a positive feedback loop that amplifies deviations from the typical developmental pattern

    Comparative Gene Expression Profiling of Benign and Malignant Lesions Reveals Candidate Therapeutic Compounds for Leiomyosarcoma

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    Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is a malignant, soft-tissue tumor for which few effective therapies exist. Previously, we showed that there are three molecular subtypes of LMS. Here, we analyzed genes differentially expressed in each of the three LMS subtypes as compared to benign leiomyomas and then used the Connectivity Map (cmap) to calculate enrichment scores for the 1309 cmap drugs in order to identify candidate molecules with the potential to induce a benign, leiomyoma-like phenotype in LMS cells. 11 drugs were selected and tested for their ability to inhibit the growth of three human LMS cell lines. We identified two drugs with in vitro efficacy against LMS, one of which had a strongly negative enrichment score (Cantharidin) and the other of which had a strongly positive enrichment score (MG-132). Given MG-132's strong inhibitory effect on LMS cell viability, we hypothesized that LMS cells may be sensitive to treatment with other proteasome inhibitors and demonstrated that bortezomib, a clinically-approved proteasome inhibitor not included in the original cmap screen, potently inhibited the viability of the LMS cell lines. These findings suggest that systematically linking LMS subtype-specific expression signatures with drug-associated expression profiles represents a promising approach for the identification of new drugs for LMS

    Enormous, rapidly growing breast mass.

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    BACKGROUND: Signs and symptoms of a rapidly enlarging breast mass are not only important for all clinicians to recognize and assess, but also are not uncommon occurrences. We describe a similar but unique case that developed into an enormous, 36 cm exophytic mass. CASE PRESENTATION: A 51-year-old woman with history of psychiatric conditions presented for signs and symptoms of sepsis. It was determined that the source was an enormous 36 cm mass originating from the breast/chest wall. After stabilizing the patient with antibiotics, she underwent successful resection. Surgical margins were positive, and histopathology demonstrated bland spindle cells with stromal overgrowth. Together with clinical and histopathological information, the patient was diagnosed with a phyllodes tumor. CONCLUSION: Differential diagnosis of rapidly growing breast masses is discussed, which are not uncommon occurrences in clinical medicine. One etiology, phyllodes tumors, can grow into large, exophytic masses as described. Oncologic treatment is discussed, usually consisting of surgery with postoperative radiotherapy for high-risk features

    The Team Multiple Errands Test: A Platform to Evaluate Distributed Teams

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    Teams have the ability to achieve goals that are unobtainable by individuals alone. However, there is little agreement on a standard model for researching the performance of distributed teams. Initial pilot results suggest that the Multiple Errands Test (MET), when adapted to a team in a virtual environment, is a platform for evaluating the impact of feedback characteristics. To demonstrate the potential of the Team MET as a platform for future team research in the broader CSCW community, an example study is described in which team members are given feedback in one of four conditions: individual private, team private, individual public, and team public

    Pengembangan Modul Intervensi Untuk Meningkatkan Resiliensi Pada Individu Yang Mengalami Perubahan Fisik Menjadi Penyandang Disabilitas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menindaklanjuti temuan sebelumnya dengan mengembangkan modul intervensi secara terperinci, yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dalam membantu meningkatkan resiliensi individu yang mengalami Perubahan kondisi fisik menjadi penyandang disabilitas. Penulis menyusun serta merinci rancangan implementasi awal yang direkomendasikan oleh penelitian sebelumnya kedalam langkah-langkah yang lebih sistematis dan operasional hingga memperoleh hasil akhir berupa modul. Metode yang digunakan berbasis tahapan riset aksi, meskipun proses yang dilakukan hanya sampai pada langkah ketiga, yaitu Perumusan solusi dari persoalan yang diangkat. Partisipan terdiri dari delapan individu yang mengalami Perubahan kondisi menjadi penyandang disabilitas. Selain partisipan, empat orang psikolog juga dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini sebagai penelaah modul. Hasil penelitian ini berupa sebuah paket modul intervensi untuk peningkatan resiliensi melalui penguatan faktor protektif serta pengembangan strategi koping dan adaptasi pada individu yang mengalami Perubahan kondisi fisik menjadi penyandang disabilitas. Paket modul tersebut terdiri dari 5 sub-modul yang telah disusun sedemikian rupa untuk memudahkan pelaksanaannya, terdiri dari modul: (1) memperkuat dukungan keluarga terhadap penyandang disabilitas; (2) pendampingan awal penyandang disabilitas; (3) intervensi lanjut 1 (penguatan faktor protektif internal); (4) intervensi lanjut 2 (pengembangan strategi koping); dan (5) intervensi lanjut 3 (langkah adaptasi positif)

    Some Notable Discoveries in Organosilicon Chemistry: Proceedings of the History and Retrospective Session of the 34th Organosilicon Symposium (2001)

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    The 34th Organosilicon Symposium at White Plains, NY, in 2001 featured a History and Retrospective Session, during which invited speakers from academic and industrial laboratories recounted the path to some significant 20th century discoveries in organosilicon chemistry. The Si=C Story: The Way it Happened, Adrian G. Brook (University of Toronto) The Discovery of Stable Disilenes and Silylenes, Robert West (University of Wisconsin) Yellow Fever: The Story Behind the Synthesis of Germasilenes, Kim M. Baines (University of Western Ontario) Direct Synthesis of Tris(dimethylamino)silane, William B. Herdle (OSi Specialties, formerly of Union Carbide Corporation) Discovery of Tin and Phosphorus Effects on the Direct Synthesis of Methylchlorosilanes, Larry H. Wood (Dow Corning Corporation) Discovery of Methylchlorosilylene (CH3SiCl) as a Key Intermediate in the Direct Synthesis of Dimethyldichlorosilane ((CH3)2SiCl2), Kenrick M. Lewis (OSi Specialties, formerly of Union Carbide Corporation) The First Platinum-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation With Supported Platinum Catalysts, George H. Wagner (Retired, formerly of Union Carbide Corporation) The Discovery of Silicone Surfactants for Polyurethane Foam, Bernard Kanner (Retired, formerly of Union Carbide Corporation) The Discovery of Silane Coupling Agents, Bernard Kanner (Retired, formerly of Union Carbide Corporation)https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/organosiliconproceedings/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Classification of hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams, root lengths and Weyl group orbits

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    We give a criterion for a Dynkin diagram, equivalently a generalized Cartan matrix, to be symmetrizable. This criterion is easily checked on the Dynkin diagram. We obtain a simple proof that the maximal rank of a Dynkin diagram of compact hyperbolic type is 5, while the maximal rank of a symmetrizable Dynkin diagram of compact hyperbolic type is 4. Building on earlier classification results of Kac, Kobayashi-Morita, Li and Sa\c{c}lio\~{g}lu, we present the 238 hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams in ranks 3-10, 142 of which are symmetrizable. For each symmetrizable hyperbolic generalized Cartan matrix, we give a symmetrization and hence the distinct lengths of real roots in the corresponding root system. For each such hyperbolic root system we determine the disjoint orbits of the action of the Weyl group on real roots. It follows that the maximal number of disjoint Weyl group orbits on real roots in a hyperbolic root system is 4.Comment: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor (to appear